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Arab Competitiveness Report - تقرير التنافسية العر...
The report aims to evaluate the competitive ability of Arab Sates compared to other States in the world. The report is published every 2 years and 4 issues were published so far.

Arab Human Development Report - تقرير التنمية العر...
The report will be published by API every 2 years and aims at presenting and analyzing the most important development issues that face the Arab world. The first edition was published in December 2013. 

Development Bridge - جسر التنمية
The Arab Planning Institute-Kuwait's "Development Bridge" series, presents in simple terms, topics related to the development policies studies and its effects and the analytical tools to assist the participating groups in upholding a development dialogue. Hence, the Arab Planning Institute's attempt to participate in the execution of development plans and its evaluation from the private sector and various civil service organizations. It plays an important role in the crystallization of examples and Arab development trends, especially in the Arab socio-economic fields, with active participation from international organizations and other world experiences.

Development Series - سلسلة دراسات تنموية
A developmental series that aim to spread knowledge about the issues that pertain to the development and Economic issue in the Arab world, it usually covers up the proceedings of meetings and lectures held at API.

Journal of Development and Economic Policies - مجل...
Bi-annual refereed Journal concerned with Development and Economic Policies issues in Arab Countries

Working Paper Series - سلسلة أوراق العمل
The working paper series is published in Arabic and English and is intended to make API's research results as well as contributions of those concerned with Arab economies, available to other economists in preliminary form to encourage dissemination of research work and promote discussions and exchange of views among all interested parties.
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Arab Planning Institute

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P.O. Box 5834 Safat 13059 Kuwait

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Sunday – Thursday

7:30 AM – 02:00 PM

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